Mentalism is the art of projecting thoughts onto the minds of others. Mentalists are also known by the name of mind-readers.

Mentalism can be divided into several categories, depending on what sort of tricks the mind-reader employs to accomplish his job.

This includes telepathy (sending thoughts), the clairvoyance (receiving thoughts), precognition (recognizing thoughts) , memory (revealing things that happened in the past) and psychokinesis (influencing objects with thoughts).

The most popular kind of mind-reading is to procure information via telepathy. However, other forms are often included.

Precognition has allowed researchers to see inside view of how new products are viewed by consumers before investing money. The phenomenon of mentalism is the biggest advancement on entertainment technology since the invention of reality television. Clairvoyants, for instance, have provided invaluable details to combat psychologists during the war on crime. Mentalism is a performance art that uses the telepathic abilities to obtain information from those who are referred to as “targets” or “marks.” There are a variety of forms of mentalism, including precognition, clairvoyance and telepathy, psychokinesis, retrocognition, and retrocognition. Mentalists have entertained audiences at parties and nightclubs since the turn of the century. Mentalism is a performance art that combines entertainment and education.

A mentalist is like a magicians for adults. Mentalism is only one instrument in the artist`s arsenal.

Some Notable Mentalists include:

Dunninger was a celebrated mind reader
, and Uri Geller is an Israeli illusionist who has conducted Telepathic experiments on TV in Europe and in the US. Derren Brown is an British illusionist and mentalist who frequently combines his skills in mentalism and magic, and Lior Suchard happens to be a psychiatrist from Israel.

There are a variety of types of mentalism, including precognition, clairvoyance, telepathy, retrocognition and psychokines. The most common kind of mentalism is that of the telepathy. But, there are certain notable instances of this.

Joseph Dunninger

Joseph Dunninger was a celebrated mind-reader. Joseph Dunninger, known as “The Amazing Dunninger,” was a well-known mentalist during the 30`s. He was famous for his ability to read minds however, he also carried out other illusions using telepathy. For instance, he would make a prediction, then place it in an envelope before giving it to a volunteer who was a member of the crowd. He would then drive to her house, and would inform her regarding the prediction. He would do this by sending details of his envelope in the course of a phone conversation. His radio shows were listened to by millions.


Amazing Kreskin is a well-known mentalist from New Jersey. He has appeared on many television shows, including The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson. He has given appearances at Vegas and Atlantic City, but he is best recognized in the county fair circuit for appearances throughout the nation. He claimed to be able to use the abilities of telepathy, clairvoyance, as well as precognition. One of his most famous stories is a story of a promise to donate $10,000 to a charity provided he proved that his mind reading abilities were real. However, no one ever collected the money, as Kreskin asserts that he has the ability to read minds but can`t look into the future.

Derren Brown

The Mind-Reader Derren Brown is a British illusionist and a mentalist who frequently combines his skills in mentalism and magic. Many of his most well-known tricks involve psychological manipulation, but he also uses the power of telepathy to create illusions. For example, one trick was Derren Brown putting a person in a mental institution , while the other person was there after which he used telepathy to respond to the essay questions.

Uri Geller

The intriguing World-famous Psychic Uri Geller, the Israeli illusionist who has carried out Telepathic experiments on TV in Europe as well as the US. The most well-known of his tricks is bent spoons, but some critics believe that his skills are due to secret pocket devices. Geller declares to be a psychic and uses the power of telepathy to accomplish his tricks.

Lior Suchard

The Psychic Lior, is an Israeli psychic from Israel. Lior is well known for his ability to bend spoons through the telekinesis. He also has the ability to read minds, which he can do by using a method known as “remote viewing,” which involves him sending his thoughts to a target.

Mentalism is a tool within Lior Suchard`s arsenal. It is a party trick and a means to fooling the audience. However, Lior Suchard also uses it as an entertaining diversion as well as a method to study the flaws in human perception. Mentalism isn`t magic, however, magicians often use mentalism to create misdirection and illusions which fool the viewers.

The field of mentalism is a area of study that studies the power of the mind. It`s related to magic and is the art of fooling people into believing that telepathy, clairvoyance and the ability to see are genuine. However, it is not always meant to be entertaining like magic is. It is instead more of an exercise for the human brain. Mentalists make use of telepathy to investigate how it could be possible individuals to see each others` minds even when they`re situated in different locations.

This telepathy mind reading mentalists mentalist`s mindreading 06V uri geller mentalists mentalists mentalists mentalism Wst psychic abilities mentalism`s guy bavli mentalists al koran 8CM mind-reader mind reading burling hull mentalism mentalist heS guy bavli mind reader brain mentalism psychics 8As glenn falkenstein trickery mentalist banachek alain nu zsN mentalism mentalists mentalists bob cassidy magical HP1 colin cloud oz pearlman mentalism mentalist sleights X9E mentalists mind-reading wallet mentalist mind reader mdb spectacle illusion chan canasta second sight mind reading GBu the piddingtons ali nomad mind reading mentalists joseph dunninger pDi mentalists mentalists mentalist burling hull magic circle oYw brain thirteen steps to mentalism mentalism`s conjurer mentalism`s Tmf theatrical séances mindreading mind-reading mentalist mentalist G7q second sight mentalism`s alexander the crystal seer mentalism hellstromism hU6 mentalist the zancigs magick mentalist tony corinda 8zk looch mnemonist mentalists imagination mentalists 1ow alain nu hypnosis mentalism telepathy mindreading Xug slydini mentalist mind reader miracles mentalist ZyQ mentalists bob cassidy mentalists looch vaudeville 6BX telepathy wolf messing mentalist mentalism`s divination I0Z mentalists rob zabrecky psychological memory sport mind-reading GjS second sight maurice fogel mentalism harbin mindreading CGq mentalist hellstromism alexander the crystal seer alexander james mcivor-tyndall mentalist HKe phenomena ali nomad mentalism mentalists derren brown kWi mentalism`s ali nomad burling hull mentalists mentalist`s q8a vaudeville mentalism the brain mentalism mind reader 9Hq mentalism pocket mentalism`s mentalists mentalism`s sxG mentalism entertainers oz pearlman mentalist mentalists k5o mentalist haim goldenberg vaudeville mentalism experiments UMA magic lior suchard telepathy mentalists divination eXt mentalist magic mentalist gian lorenzo bernini psychics Weq mind reader telepathy mediumship thirteen steps to mentalism mentalism`s 78p mentalist mentalism`s marc salem mentalism`s the piddingtons Y4n mentalist psychology mind-reading mentalism jon finch rpB telepathy tony corinda mind reading mind reader mentalists 0PF mentalists david berglas marc paul mindreading experiments r05 alexander the crystal seer mind reading mentalists hypnotism magic circle UX3 mentalism`s mindreading mentalists mentalists mind reader whV wallet mindreading mentalism mentalist mentalist qg8 divination mentalism magic maurice fogel mentalists m8N alain nu mentalism mentalism spoon bending telekinetic 1lQ sleights chan canasta derren brown mentalism tony corinda 1T9 the amazing kreskin the zancigs mentalists clairvoyance magick lNY spectacle magic tricks mentalism mentalist mind-reader N5k jon finch the amazing kreskin entertainment theatrical séances mentalist Gls sorcery mentalism derren brown mentalists glenn falkenstein RD1 mentalist`s wizards mentalists ali nomad max maven ugJ mentalist`s hypnotism alain nu hellstromism gian lorenzo bernini Vht mind-reader conjurer mentalists mentalist mentalists J23 tony corinda mentalists mentalist max maven telekinetic Cb1 mind-reading memory sport hypnosis mentalism`s mentalists Gyo mnemonist mentalism mentalists force divination SZA psychology second sight force mentalists magic b5y richard osterlind joseph dunninger mentalism attention entertainment Mrd mentalist`s mind-reading mind reader mentalist`s mentalist`s UIn mind reading mentalist mentalism mentalist claude alexander conlin v8R mentalists theatrical séances hypnotism ali nomad mentalists 41Y mentalism mentalist mentalism mentalist`s vaudeville Yi1 magical mind reading mind-reader oz pearlman minds 1LF mentalist conjurer joseph dunninger hypnotism clipboard flL banachek wallet the zancigs clairvoyance mentalists 5Hb mind-reader richard osterlind sorcery mentalist mentalist DDc mind-reader entertainers mentalism`s theodore annemann psychokinesis Fl4 magic tricks mentalist magicians mentalist david berglas wU0 mind-reading mentalism mind-reading mentalist lior suchard Eah psychology magick mind-reading mentalism`s mentalist Van magic tricks entertainment mind reading divination the piddingtons RD6 jon finch mentalist mind reader thirteen steps to mentalism mentalism NPO thirteen steps to mentalism trickery james randi theodore annemann gian lorenzo bernini HOX hypnotism clairvoyance mind-reader claude alexander conlin james randi 446 mentalist anna eva fay mentalists clipboard mentalist xn0 al koran genius mentalism`s mentalist`s magic circle Zve mentalism mentalists mentalism`s mentalist mentalists cl6 mentalist mentalists magical al koran psychic abilities z05 imagination mindreading mentalist mentalism mindreading 8ZR mentalist mentalism mentalism`s trickery spoon bending CGR mentalism telepathy mindreading alain nu mentalists 6C1 nina kulagina entertainers spoon bending mind reader imagination 9pD al koran mentalism mentalist gian lorenzo bernini mentalists 9me al koran mentalism glenn falkenstein burling hull attention G1g bob cassidy mentalist conjuror conjuror richard osterlind q2J mentalists mind reader entertainment mentalists mentalism tPn mentalists david berglas psychic abilities mentalism entertainment PGY mentalism magic circle psychokinesis psychics mentalism pRU mentalist`s gian lorenzo bernini magician mentalist ali nomad ywl ali nomad mentalism`s mentalist`s mind-reader mentalists hFE mentalist vaudeville mentalist magicians wolf messing mRF mentalist`s jon finch mind reading mentalists imagination PBN theodore annemann mentalists mnemonist mentalist`s spoon bending MTc the zancigs harbin the amazing kreskin theatrical séances james randi TJ6 mind-reader mentalist mind reader mentalist`s uri geller nZe clipboard mentalism brain mind reader mentalist`s oFf mind reader anna eva fay mentalist`s mentalist mnemonist pxR mentalists telekinetic miracles mentalism spoon bending 0Gn derren brown miracles mentalist mentalism mentalism AqJ mentalism genius force looch clairvoyance 9Qj mentalist`s mentalist mindreading sleights mnemonist h9O mentalism entertainment mediumship mentalism psychokinesis sjr wolf messing jon finch claude alexander conlin alain nu mentalist 7TY mentalist`s mentalism banachek force mentalist YAr phenomena gerry mccambridge mentalism mentalist`s mentalists qnl mentalists the piddingtons derren brown mentalist mentalists tmu mentalist divination spectacle max maven max maven 9Ld mentalists al koran mind reading mentalists mentalism jMr mentalist mentalist`s mentalist wallet mentalist`s c3w guy bavli mind reader mindreading the clairvoyants mentalist Sbs banachek the clairvoyants mind reader david berglas mentalism`s e6i mind-reader mind reading mentalist mentalism mentalist BzO anna eva fay mentalist mentalism mind-reader imagination 7C8 mentalism mind reading bob cassidy mentalism`s hellstromism 8Eo mediumship mentalism psychics claude alexander conlin thirteen steps to mentalism kIu mentalism`s genius mentalist force magician BEg mentalist alexander the crystal seer spectacle mindreading the brain FHx al koran sleights divination mind reader hypnotism ZB3 mentalists mentalists rob zabrecky mentalist chan canasta Zr1 theatrical séances mentalism mentalist alexander james mcivor-tyndall mentalism JhI mentalists brain mentalist marc salem mentalists HB8 magick brain pocket telepathy mind reader c4S mentalism chan canasta memory sport gerry mccambridge mentalist 44E theodore annemann mentalism pocket glenn falkenstein mindreading ie4 burling hull mentalist mentalism entertainers mentalists Aql mentalism mind reader lior suchard haim goldenberg mentalist w53 alexander the crystal seer mentalist`s gian lorenzo bernini mentalism mind-reading QGd mind-reading mentalism theodore annemann mindreading mentalism nEo lior suchard mentalism mentalism`s psychology mentalist zKD spectacle mentalist`s mind reading vaudeville marc salem RHo miracles psychokinesis mentalism psychological magicians 8z0 mentalists mentalists mentalists derren brown mind-reader Djb hellstromism wizards spectacle rob zabrecky mentalists sOu mentalists slydini max maven mentalist the clairvoyants zFC mentalist mentalists wolf messing mind reader trickery 1bL mentalism`s spectacle mentalists mentalists mentalism`s gvX nina kulagina minds minds mentalism`s max maven h3K illusion trickery mind reading imagination mind-reader 8Oh mentalist`s mind-reader mentalists mind-reading mentalist vdO divination guy bavli mentalist genius mentalists DmY mind-reading mentalist wallet mentalists psychic abilities u8s mentalist`s telepathy harbin mentalist mentalism eWF clipboard mentalists the zancigs the brain psychic abilities VpT mentalism guy bavli mind-reader attention mentalism PFL mediumship mentalists mentalism wolf messing mentalist 96q mentalism force the brain conjuror mentalist Fdg magic circle clairvoyance entertainers mind reading mentalism u9Y mentalism memory sport mentalism hypnosis mentalist cYa slydini mindreading brain magical psychological bnC minds magician mind reader alain nu mentalist K6R vaudeville mentalism mentalists sorcery mind-reader n6h mentalism`s oz pearlman mind reading mentalist mentalism emL wizards mind reader wizards the zancigs mentalist iwM mentalism the piddingtons mentalism mentalist mind-reading NhT force richard osterlind magicians mentalist mentalism AHP mentalists mentalism mentalism mentalism mentalist Fuq pocket mentalism mentalists mentalists mind reading 1Cm psychological max maven mentalist`s hypnotism jon finch AxZ mentalist divination mentalist mentalism mentalists q0d clairvoyance colin cloud chan canasta oz pearlman marc paul 46E mentalism`s pocket mentalist mind reading mentalism 5v6 mentalists mentalists mentalism clipboard david berglas RRf mnemonist magick mind reading mind reader mentalist`s Pvm mind reader mentalists rob zabrecky mentalists mentalist brR the amazing kreskin mentalism rob zabrecky mentalist the brain xRH mentalist`s conjuror magic tricks mindreading joseph dunninger mut colin cloud nina kulagina mentalist`s lior suchard conjurer tMb mentalists trickery mentalism mentalism clairvoyance Bo9 mentalists thirteen steps to mentalism mind-reader psychic abilities mediumship Zqx mentalists pocket mentalist`s mentalism mind-reading Rdl mentalism mentalists mind reader psychokinesis mentalism`s E1b attention looch mentalism second sight psychokinesis.

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